Electrical Engineering: July 2020

Affination Process in Sugar Refinery with Material balance Calculation

Affination Process in Sugar Refinery with Material balance Calculation:-  In this article discussed about factors involved in affination process of standalone refinery with material balance calculation.

Material Balance of Affination Process in Sugar Refinery:-

What is Affination Process:-

Affination process is a first step in the sugar refinery process when high colored raw sugar taken as a input material. This process can be defined as washing and consists of removing the adhering film of molasses from the surface of the raw sugar crystal which is input raw material of sugar refinery.

In affination process involves mingling the input high colored raw sugar with affination liquor (Which is obtained in same process after centrifuged) and purging the mixture in centrifugal machine with hot water washing after the syrup has been spin off. After this process obtained two products named as affinated sugar and affination liquior.

The Affinated raw sugar directly taken to raw sugar melter and some required quantity of affinated liquor used for same process and remaining quantity sent to recovery house for massecuite boiling.

Operating Condition in Affination :-

Temperature of mingling affinated liquor

The purpose of the affination is to remove the sticky high colored molasses film. Hot mingling is best practice to reduce the viscosity and maintained around 70 to 75oC and magma temperature will be around 45 oC.


Affination liquor brix                   72 to 74%

Affination liquor purity               75 to 85%

Affination liquor temperature   70 to 75 oC

Affination magma brix                90 to 92%

Wash water temperature           85 to 90 oC

Quantity of wash water             Depends upon required affination brix and colour of raw sugar.Examples of Solids and Purity Balance for affination of raw sugar in refined sugar process

Example – 1

Input parameters

 S.NO Description ValuesUOM
 1 Raw Suagr Quantity100T
 2 Raw sugar Brix 99.7%
 3 Raw Sugar Purity 98.8%
 4 Affinated liquor Brix 75%
 5 Affinated liquor Purity 85%
 6 Magma Brix 90%
 7 Affinated raw sugar brix 99.7%
 8 Affinated raw sugar purity 99.5%


Quantity of affination liquor  for magma preparation – 64.67 T

\frac{(Qty \ of \ raw \ sugar \ \ \times \ \ Raw \ sugar \ brix) \ - \ (Qty \ of \ raw \ sugar \ \ \times \ \ Magma \ brix)}{Brix \ of \ magma \ - Brix \ of \ \ affi. \ liquor }
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Hint : 

(((Quantity of raw sugar X raw sugar brix) – ( Qty of raw sugar  X magma brix))/ (Brix of magma – Brix of affination liquor)

Magma Quantity = 100 + 64.67 = 164.67 T

Purity of Magma = 93.38%

Hint: \frac{(Purity \ of \ raw \ sugar \ \times \ Qty \ of \ raw \ sugar ) \ - \ (Purity \ of \ affi. \ liquor \ \times \ Qty \ of \ affi. \ liquor \ )}{ Qty \ of \ magama}


Affi. Raw sugar99.58.38
Affi. Liquor856.12


 S.NO Description Quantity SolidsUOM
 1 Affination Magma 164.7 148.2T
 2 Affinated Raw sugar 85.91 85.7T
 3 Affinated liquor 83.39 62.5T
 4 Wash water 4.64 0T
 5 Affinated liquor for magma preparation 64.7 48.5T
 6 Affinated liquor send to recovery house 18.73 14.04T

Example – 2

Input parameters

S.NO Description ValuesUOM
 1 Raw Sugar Quantity 100T
 2 Raw sugar Brix 99.7%
 3 Raw Sugar Purity 98.8%
 4 Affinated liquor Brix 75%
 Affinated liquor Purity 80%
 6 Magma Brix 92%
 7 Affinated raw sugar brix 99.7%
 8 Affinated raw sugar purity 99.5%


Quantity of affination liquor  for magma preparation – 45.3 T

Hint : \frac{(Qty \ of \ raw \ sugar \ \ \times \ \ Raw \ sugar \ brix) \ - \ (Qty \ of \ raw \ sugar \ \ \times \ \ Magma \ brix)}{Brix \ of \ magma \ - Brix \ of \ \ affi. \ liquor }

(((Quantity of raw sugar X raw sugar brix) – ( Qty of raw sugar  X magma brix))/ (Brix of magma – Brix of affination liquor)

Magma Quantity = 100 + 45.3 = 145.3 T

Purity of Magma = 92.24%

Hint: \frac{(Purity \ of \ raw \ sugar \ \times \ Qty \ of \ raw \ sugar ) \ - \ (Purity \ of \ affi. \ liquor \ \times \ Qty \ of \ affi. \ liquor \ )}{ Qty \ of \ magama}

Affi. Raw sugar99.512.94
Affi. Liquor806.56


 S.NO Description Quantity SolidsUOM
 1 Affination Magma 145.3 133.671T
 2 Affinated Raw sugar 88.96 88.7T
 3 Affinated liquor 59.96 45.0T
 4 Wash water 3.63T
 5 Affinated liquor for magma preparation 45.3 33.9706T
 6 Affinated liquor send to recovery house 14.67 11.00T

Conclusion : From the above examples, The quantity of solids are sent to recovery house will be reduced while maintaining the proper brix of magma and control the purity of affination liquor as much as possible.

If the quantity of solids of send to recovery house from affination process will be increased then massecuite % and final molasses percent is also increased.

Colour reduction in this process will be obtained around 50 to 60% on input raw sugar color. Some times more percent reduction required for input raw sugar colour having higher side. For this we go for more washing in centrifugal section and at the same time losses also will be increased.

Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion

Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion:-

Electromechanical Energy Conversion :- Conversion of other forms of energy in electrical form have many advantages like easy control, utilise, reliable, efficient etc. An electromechanical energy conversion device is one which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice- versa.

Categories of various electromechanical energy conversion: -

(i) First category:- involves small motion, processes only low energy signals from electrical to mechanical or vice-versa. Example : telephone receivers, loud-speakers, microphone.

(ii) Second category:- consists of force or torque-producing devices with limited mechanical motion. Example: electromagnets, relays, moving-iron instruments.

(iii) Third category:- consists of continuous energy conversion devices. Example: generators and motors.

State electromechanical energy conversion. Also explain its significance:-

"Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed". One can only change its forms using appropriate energy conversion processes Energy conversion takes place between well known pairs of forms of energy.

1. Electrical- Chemical

2. Electrical -Thermal

3. Electrical- Optical

4. Electrical - Sound

5. Electrical- Mechanical

Electromechanical energy conversion is a process in which electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy or mechanical energy into electrical energy. The main advantage of the conversion is that energy in electrical form can be transmitted, utilized and controlled more reliably, easily and efficiently. Energy conversion derives are required at path ends of an electrical system, since energy is neither available and nor required in electrical form. Electromechanical energy conversion finds application in following categories of system:

(a) Transducers: Devices for obtaining signal for measurement/control.

(b) Force-producing devices : Solenoid-actuators, relays, electromagnets.

(c) Devices for continuous-energy conversion : Motor/generator.

Principle of Electromechanical Energy Conversion in rotating machines : - 

When energy is converted from one form to another, the principle of conversion of energy can be evoked. According to this principle, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can merely be converted from one form to another. In an energy conversion device, out of the total input energy, some energy is converted into the required form, some energy is stored and the rest is dissipated. In view of this, the energy balance equation must include these energy terms, and for a motor, it is:

(Total Electrical Energy Input) = (Mechanical Energy Output) + (Total Energy Stored) + (Total Energy Dissipated)

For generator action,

(Total Mechanical Energy Input) = (Electrical Energy Output) + (Total Energy Stored) + (Total Energy Dissipated)

So, the principle of en rgy conversion is based on energy balance. For a rotating machine

W elec. = W mech. - W fld.


W elect. → net electrical energy input

Wmech→ energy converted into mechanical form

Wfld.→ stored energy + energy losses (change in magnetic stored energy).

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